Delingpole: This British Brand set the Standard For How to Respond to a Twitter Cancel Mob

A man poses making a cup of tea with a Yorkshire Tea teabag with a box of tea in the backg
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Almost every business is caving to the leftist cancel culture mob – but not this British institution, Yorkshire Tea.

Here is how Yorkshire Tea responded when the vengeful Twitter Social Justice Warrior mob tried to close it down for the ‘crime’ of having being photographed in close proximity to a Conservative politician.

Yes. This actually happened. This is how deranged and vindictive the left is. Britain’s new Chancellor Rishi Sunak — who represents a Yorkshire parliament seat– posted on Twitter a photo of himself drinking Yorkshire Tea and the left did its damnedest to punish the company for guilt by association.

Rather than be cowed, Yorkshire Tea responded calmly and rationally.

The incident has now been christened #Teagate, which is an odd name for something which isn’t a scandal but rather a victory for common sense, reason and the kind of courage all too rare in the cowed, craven and politically correct business sector.

We salute Yorkshire Tea for standing up to the bullies. Also, we can confirm that it really does make a jolly nice cuppa.


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