7 in 10 Britons Worried About Effect of Immigration on Population Growth


Almost seven in ten Britons are concerned about the effect mass migration will have on population growth, according to polling data.

Polling commissioned by Migration Watch UK and conducted by Deltapoll found that 36 per cent of Britons expressed “great concern” while 32 per cent said they had “some concern” about the current rate of immigration and its effect on the country’s population — a combined 68 per cent.

Only 16 per cent said they felt “little” concern (11 per cent) or “no” concern (five per cent).

Some 1,500 people were asked their opinion after being presented with the “High Migration” scenario, which projects population growth of 6.7 million over the next 20 years, and where, if the annual average growth continues, the United Kingdom will hit a population of 70 million by 2028.

Britain already has the second-highest population and fourth-highest population density in the European Union.

Commenting on the results, chairman of Migration Watch UK Alp Mehmet said: “As ever, the British people, with their usual common sense, have shown themselves to be way ahead of the political class. Their concern about population growth and the scale of immigration that drives it is clear. They also see that the only way to deal with this unsustainable and damaging growth is for a significant reduction in immigration. Why can’t the political class not see that?”

The migration-sceptic pressure group went on to say in a press release seen by Breitbart London: “A sensible reduction would help to ease population growth and assuage the concerns of 68% of people. In time, it would also reduce congestion and the strain on schools, housing, transport, infrastructure, public services and the countryside.”

The Deltapoll research confirms previous polls which show Britons still have massive concern over immigration levels.

Another Deltapoll commissioned by Migration Watch UK and released in December found that 65 per cent of Britons “agree that recent levels of overseas net migration to the UK are a source of major concern for the public”, particularly for taxpayer-funded services and schools.

A poll conducted on behalf of Population Matters in July 2018 found also that two-thirds (64 per cent) of Britons believe that the projected population growth figures are too high.

A study published in August 2018 estimated that 82 per cent of population growth since the turn of the millennium has been down to immigration.

Last April, Migration Watch UK founder Lord Andrew Green of Deddington accused the government of massively undercounting the effect of immigration on population growth, pointing out: “A decade ago they estimated that the UK population would not reach 64 million by 2017. In fact, by mid-2017, the UK population exceeded a record 66 million.”

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