Sweden: Migrant Who Raped, Impregnated 11-Year-Old Avoids Lifetime Expulsion


A migrant in his 20s has been sentenced to three years in prison for raping an 11-year-old and getting her pregnant twice but will be allowed to return to Sweden after 10 years.

The migrant, whose original nationality is not clear, began his sexual relationship with the young girl during the summer of 2018, repeatedly sexually molesting her over the summer period, according to a report from Nyheter Idag.

It took a full year before the migrant was arrested in July of 2019, and he was charged with four counts of rape in early September and found guilty of three of the counts.

The young girl also fell pregnant twice as a result of the rapes, but according to the Swedish news outlet, it is unknown whether or not either of the pregnancies were taken to term.

The Blekinge District Court found the migrant guilty despite his pleas that he had no idea what the girl’s real age was, claiming that he thought she was above the Swedish age of consent, which is 15.

On top of the three-year sentence, the migrant will also be forced to pay around 22,000 euros to the victim in compensation. However, he was able to get around a lifetime ban from the country with a ban of just ten years being ordered by the court.

The case comes just months after a 17-year-old migrant in July was found guilty of raping a young girl. The migrant, in that case, admitted to the crime but claimed that no one in Sweden had told him the act was illegal beforehand.

In yet another rape case involving migrants in Sweden this year, seven Afghan migrants along with a Swedish citizen were arrested in connection to a rape attack or multiple attacks in Östersund.

One of the Afghans was revealed to have been a worker for a migrant integration charity which later fired him following his arrest.

Follow Chris Tomlinson on Twitter at @TomlinsonCJ or email at ctomlinson(at)breitbart.com


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