WATCH: Douglas Murray – How Cancel Culture Will Cancel Itself…

Here’s a thought to brighten up your weekend: all this identity politics lunacy which has taken hold of our culture — the pussy hats, the Black Lives Matter race-baiting, the trans-gender hysteria — it has a sell-by date and it’s going to come to an end.

According to Douglas Murray, author of The Madness of Crowds:

“People will realise that this is untenable. It’s a deranging game. It’s dementing our societies and it’s making us do the things we think we’re trying to avoid.

In the name of anti-racism, we’re making everything about race.

In the name of equality between the sexes we’re going to make men more bitter about women.”

But it will only end when the Social Justice Warriors embracing identity politics and promoting cancel culture ask themselves one very simple question.

Murray explains:

“A friend of mine was recently speaking at a university in America and mentioned that the class with this visiting lecturer were all asking questions about identity politics matters: things to do with equality, diversity, equity.

This person said: ‘Why are you doing this? You should be trying to work out how we live in underwater cities. You should be working out how we live on the moon. Why are you doing this?’

Why are they doing this?

Good question.

And one to which I bet none of them can come up with a convincing answer.

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