Islamic primary schools across the Netherlands have distributed anti-LGBT literature which claims Allah destroyed an entire people based on their homosexuality.

The material is part of the sex education in Islamic schools and comes from the book Help! I am Growing Up released by the Islamic organisation ISBO for 44 schools across the Netherlands, Nederlandse Omroep Stichting reports.

On the topic of homosexuality, the book states that “the prohibition in Islam is based on having intercourse with someone of the same sex,” and goes on to condemn transgender people saying that Allah “cursed” boys who dress as girls.

When asked about the material the Education Inspectorate told the broadcaster, “With regard to teaching materials, the inspectorate always looks at how this is applied in the context. These examples do not in themselves give cause to assume that legal limits are being exceeded.”

Professor of Pedagogy Micha de Winter of Utrecht University holds a different view: “An important aspect of citizenship education is that children learn to think critically and to make their own choices. This textbook very clearly describes how you should live and whatnot.”

“That does not relate to the Western way of living together, in which people have a great deal of freedom to choose how they want to live,” Winter added.

Earlier this year in the United Kingdom, Muslims in Birmingham objected to a school programme quite the opposite of the Dutch textbook that celebrated, rather than condemned, LGBT lifestyles.

Muslim parents held signs outside of the school bearing slogans such as, “Say No To Sexualisation of Children.”

In May, a different school in Birmingham saw LGBT activists harassed and attacked with eggs by Muslim protesters.

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