Illegal Migrant Causes Havoc in French Brasserie Rampage

TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY STEPHANIE LEROUGE A picture taken on April 28, 2015 shows the terr

A 27-year-old illegal migrant who was living on the street has been charged in a court in Toulouse after he went on a rampage at a local brasserie, causing thousands of euros worth of damage.

The attack took place on April 30th and saw the illegal migrant enter the famous “Le Cotton Club” establishment in the late afternoon and, according to a report from French newspaper La Depeche, he began to immediately start to throw chairs and other furniture around the restaurant.

A magistrate in the Toulouse Criminal Court described the scene while addressing the migrant saying, “Tables, chairs, thirty glasses, the main window … nothing has resisted you! It took four of the employees to control you!” One employee of the restaurant was also forced to take six days off work due to injuries suffered as a result of the migrant attacking them as well.

In total, the 27-year-old is said to have caused 4,345 euros worth of damage during the rampage with the prosecutor in the case calling for him to be imprisoned for six to eight months, saying: “This behaviour is alarming. He insults, he threatens, for no apparent reason. There is obviously a problem of alcohol dependence.”

In contrast, the lawyer for the migrant argued that his client was not of a sound mental state saying, “he says he hears voices! Why would someone who is undocumented put himself in such a situation?”

Following a brief deliberation, the court sentenced the man to eight months in prison and ordered him to pay back all the damages caused to the restaurant.

The incident comes as just the latest random migrant rampage in countries most affected by mass migration. Just this year, there have been several rampages, including in the German town of Amberg where a group of asylum seekers from Syria, Iran and Afghanistan attacked twelve people randomly, including one victim who required hospitalization.

Earlier this month another migrant, originally from Syria, attacked and injured four German police officers after they attempted to perform a routine identification check and in Dozza prison in Bologna, Italy a migrant rampage led to two prison guards receiving severe cranial trauma.

Follow Chris Tomlinson on Twitter at @TomlinsonCJ or email at ctomlinson(at)


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