UN Demands Illegal Aliens Get ‘Equal Access’ to Healthcare

People take part in a "solidarity" march in support of migrants in Calais on Jul

The UN World Health Organisation (WHO) is demanding Europe create “culturally sensitive, refugee-friendly healthcare systems” which provide equal access to public health services for third world migrants “regardless of their legal status”.

In its first report on the health of non-European migrants living on the continent, WHO Europe cites “xenophobia” and “sovereignism” — the defence of national sovereignty — as “major” barriers in the way of establishing “refugee- and migrant-friendly healthcare systems” across the entire region.

According to the globalist heath body, which says it is “making progress in implementing its goals”, Europe should provide “quality and affordable health coverage as well as social protection for all refugees and migrants regardless of their legal status” through systems which are “culturally and linguistically sensitive”.

In a foreword which describes “population movement” as a “defining phenomena of our time” as a result of global “economic inequalities”, WHO Migration and Health Programme chief Santino Severoni declares that “the contribution of refugees and migrants… in developing the societies in which we currently live should not be forgotten”, claiming “migration has always been a reality for [Europe]”.

“The most important is the access to health services. To improve their health, it is important to fill the gap for access to basic care,” Severoni told AFP.

Alleging that “health is very politicised and used as a tool of fear”, Severoni claimed that — in the face of “people, and some governments … reacting emotionally when it comes to newcomers because of the lack of information and data” — that the report provides “a wonderful opportunity to diffuse false myths, misperceptions and negative narrative”.

Examples include there being “only a very low risk” of the host population contracting infectious diseases from third world migrants “despite the widespread assumption to the contrary”, according to the WHO report and press release, both of which evidence this by alleging that “a significant proportion of migrants and refugees who are HIV positive acquired the infection after they arrived in Europe”.

The other “common misperception” supposedly “diffused by facts” in the document is the belief “there are too many refugees and migrants” in European nations, with the WHO “exposing” this as a “myth” with the statement that “international migrants make up only 10 percent (90.7 million) of the total population in the WHO European Region. Less than 7.4 percent of these are refugees.”

Calling for better collection of data on migrant health and for Europe to do more to close disparities in outcome between newcomers and natives, the report notes the higher prevalence of mental illness in some refugee populations and demands governments take action to tackle “poor socioeconomic conditions such as unemployment” in third world immigrant communities.

In addition, it warns that Western culture poses new health dangers to migrants, as they are likely to eat more unhealthy food and do less physical exercise than they would in their homelands.

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