Afghan Stabs Polish Woman in German Hospital, Killing Unborn Baby

A policewoman stands in front of a hospital following a shooting on July 26, 2016 in south

A pregnant Polish woman suffered life-threatening injuries and lost her unborn baby in a knife attack by an Afghan migrant at a hospital in Germany.

Police said an argument broke out at St. Marienwörth Hospital in Bad Kreuznach, west Germany, at around 6 p.m. on Friday, after which the 25-year-old victim was stabbed several times in the stomach.

The woman’s condition stabilised following emergency surgery but her baby died a short time after the operation, according to local media, which reported that the perpetrator surrendered himself to police shortly after the attack, after initially having fled the hospital.

On Saturday the suspect, a 25-year-old Afghan, was charged with murder, aggravated assault, and the unlawful termination of a pregnancy. He will remain in custody while police and the local public prosecutor’s office investigate the circumstances of the attack.

With the victim not yet in a condition to speak to investigators, and the suspect having so far refused to comment on the assault, police have said the motive remains unclear.

Speaking out after the attack, Alternative for Germany (AfD) MP Petr Bystron remarked that “illegal immigration is not mercy — it is murder”, noting that Germany has suffered rising crime rates since Chancellor Angela Merkel opened the country’s border to well over a million migrants in 2015.

Linking German problems with illegal immigration to the ones highlighted by President Donald Trump in North America, the populist MP told U.S. news outlet Gateway Pundit: “The simple fact is: if you are willing to break a country’s laws to get in, you are probably willing to break them again once you are in – with horrible, tragic consequences for the most vulnerable members of society.”

Globalist international media outlets, which overwhelmingly stood in praise of Mrs Merkel as she invited people from the Global South to live off taxpayers in her homeland, have attempted to downplay reports that Germany has seen an uptick in violence since receiving an unprecedented influx of migrants, claiming that crime on the whole has gone down since 2015.

But a BBC ‘fact check’ last year, which took issue with an AfD MP’s claim that there were more than 447 killings by illegal immigrants in Germany in 2017, had to admit that the migrant demographic was heavily overrepresented amongst perpetrators of the most serious crimes.

Despite people classified as “asylum applicants or civil war refugees or illegal immigrants” making up just 2 per cent of Germany’s population as a whole, this group comprised 8.5 percent of all criminal suspects in 2017, including 10.4 percent of murder suspects and 11.9 percent of sexual offence suspects, the British public broadcaster conceded.

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