The government of Scotland has adopted a pro-transgender image as the backdrop for its official Twitter account, declaring war on “transphobia” on behalf of all of Scotland.

“Dear transphobes,” the message reads, “we have a phobia of your hatred. Yours, Scotland.”

Scottish Government Twitter account

The adoption of the Twitter message coincides with the launch of tighter regulations by the social media giant, which ban messages seen as “hateful” toward transgender people, such as suggestions that a person’s gender is determined by biology.

This month, Twitter permanently banned Meghan Murphy, a well-known feminist writer based in British Columbia, for her critiques of transgender ideology online, saying such behavior “violated [its] rules against hateful conduct.” Twitter first obliged Murphy to delete “objectionable” tweets which asserted that men are not women, before banning her account permanently.

As Breitbart News reported earlier this month, Scotland will become the first country in the world where primary and secondary schools are required to promote LGBT identity and lifestyles in their curriculum.

Every state school will be obliged to “embed” lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex “equality and inclusion” within “all levels of the curriculum from early years to senior phase” after the Scottish Government adopted — with backing by all parties — the recommendations of a working group headed by LGBT activists.

Students will be taught about LGBT political history, movements, terminology, and identities as well as “LGBTI literature and lives” and matters “addressing prejudice and homophobic, biphobic, and transphobic bullying.”

With its focus on LGBT issues, the Scottish government has ignored pleas by the Catholic Church in the country to address the frequent “hate crimes” perpetrated against Catholics, who have not been included among the protected groups favored by the government.

Representatives of the Catholic Church have criticized Scotland’s government for ignoring sectarian and anti-Catholic hate attacks, after launching a new “hate crime” initiative focused on the disabled and transgendered.

The anti-hate campaign, introduced by Scottish National Party (SNP) justice secretary Humza Yousaf, features a series of letters directly addressed to “racists,” “homophobes,” “disablists,” and “BIGOTS,” calling them un-Scottish.

According to Church officials, there are six times more “hate crimes” committed against Catholics in Scotland than similar crimes against transgendered people.

Church representatives claimed the drive was a “missed opportunity” to address Scotland’s rampant sectarianism, one of the most prevalent forms of hate and division in the country.

“The hate crime campaign has glaringly missed an opportunity to highlight one of the most prevalent forms of hate crime in Scotland: anti-Catholicism,” said a spokesman for the Catholic Church said.

“The Scottish government used a victim of transgender hate crime to launch their campaign and created a specific transphobes poster, despite the fact that in the last year there were 319 prosecutions for anti-Catholic hate crime and 49 for transgender hate crime,” he said.

Catholics make up just 14 percent of the Scottish population, compared to over 25 percent identifying with the Protestant Church of Scotland, and around 1.4 percent saying they are Muslim.

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