In his latest move to defend the traditional family, Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini has declared that future identification forms will ask for mother and father instead of “parent one” and “parent two”.

The leader of the populist League Party gave the order for the change earlier this week following a number of other measures promoting the concept of the traditional family.

“Enough with parent 1 and 2. I have restored father and mother,” Salvini said, Il Giornale reports.

“I was told that on the interior ministry’s website, forms for an electronic identity card had ‘parent 1′ and parent 2’,” Salvini said, adding: “I immediately made them change the website restoring the definition of ‘mother’ and ‘father’ — it is a small gesture, but I will do everything possible that it is provided for under the Constitution.”

“We will defend the natural family founded on the union between a man and a woman,” he added.

The firebrand Interior Minister also reiterated his opposition to child surrogacy or “wombs-for-rent” and reiterated his pledge to support Family Minister Lorenzo Fontana with policies designed to boost the Italian birthrate.

“The goal that I put from here until the end of the government is to introduce the concept of a family quotient, in order to reward the birth rate and bet on the future,” he said.

The League pro-family policy includes free daycare options, tax breaks for families, and other incentives to have more children. The party announced that they would be implementing a three percent tax on money being sent overseas by migrants to help pay for the new programmes.

Salvini also noted that proposed tax cuts on VAT would help new families saying: “A euro less tax is an extra euro for children. Of course, it is not decisive, the goal is to make the family unit a tax-recognszed person.”

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