WATCH: Mayor Khan Mocks Marking Brexit Day in London, Rather ‘Celebrate UKIP Abolished’

London Mayor Sadiq Khan

The Mayor of London has angrily dismissed the idea of marking Britain’s historic exit from the European Union (EU) in his city, suggesting he would rather celebrate the abolition of UKIP.

“Don’t you think that it’s right to celebrate this wonderful occasion when we’re getting back our independence and our sovereignty from the European Union?” UKIP London Assembly Member David Kurten asked Sadiq Khan, in a playful manner.

He explained: “You mark many things as Mayor. You’ve marked the hundredth anniversary of women’s suffrage; I’m sure you’ll be marking the 50th anniversary of the death of Martin Luther King next month.”

Adding that, “17.4 million people in the country voted for Brexit and 1.4 million people in London voted for Brexit – which is more than voted for you as Mayor (1.1 million).”

Visibly irritated, Mr. Khan hit back by refusing to address the issue and significance of Brexit day and choosing to attack UKIP and Mr. Kurten personally.

“If your party’s still around next year, I’d be curious to see what ideas you have,” he snarled.

“Maybe they’ll be a bucket going round for the legal fees they’ve got to pay in the next couple of weeks,” he added in reference to a recent defamation case against UKIP.

“I’m looking forward to seeing what party you represent next time there’s Mayor’s question time. Maybe we’ll mark that day, when UKIP is finally abolished, with a celebration.”

Mr. Kurten responded calmly, reminding the Mayor he will remaining in the London to at least 2020 and urging him to at least take down the EU flag flying outside City Hall.

Sadiq Khan was bitterly opposed to Brexit and has pushed to block it, or for London and the rest of the UK to remain tied to the bloc, ever since the British people vote to leave.

In September last year, he was agitating for the Labour Party to officially back a second referendum to reverse the vote, and he has consistently called for the UK to stay inside the EU’s Single Market, subject to its many rules including open borders and Free Movement.


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