Alt-left extremists in the Spanish region of Aragon are suspected of leaving a 55-year-old man brain dead after brutally attacking him because he wore suspenders that had Spanish flags on them.
The attack occurred in the city of Zaragoza on early Friday morning outside of a bar where 55-year-old Víctor L. was beaten about the head with an iron bar so brutally that he is now brain dead and not expected to survive. Investigators say that the suspects likely came from the radical left-extremist scene and that they have one suspect in custody, newspaper Heraldo de Aragón reports.
Prior to the attack the man had been drinking inside the bar and had gotten into an argument with other patrons because he had been wearing suspenders with Spanish flags on them. The 55-year-old was called a “fascist” according to witnesses and decided to leave the bar after hurling back insults of his own.
Once outside, the man was brutally attacked by two individuals with an iron bar, was knocked out and fell to the ground. The attackers continued to kick him violently in the head despite the 55-year-old being totally unable to defend himself and then ran away.
The man was taken to a nearby hospital shortly afterwards and diagnosed with several severe blood clots within his skull. Doctors attempted to put him in an artificial coma to relieve the pressure but were unable to reverse the damage.
The attack is strikingly similar to a far left attack that occurred at a protest organised by the hipster-right Identitarian youth movement in Vienna last year. Alt-left Antifa extremists threw bricks from rooftops near the demonstration hitting one activist in the head, forcing doctors to put him in a coma to save his life.
Aragon’s police intelligence branch say that the men involved were likely part of the far-left Antifa extremist scene saying they found evidence both from witnesses and that one of the suspects had used his bank card at the bar.
Alt-left violence has exploded across Europe in recent years. In Germany, alt-left extremists injured hundreds of police officers in Hamburg during the G20 summit leading to some in the German media to refer to them as Mussolini-like blackshirts.
Bern Palenda, head of the Berlin branch of the Agency for the Protection of the Constitution warned earlier this year that Antifa extremists were a severely underestimated danger and many would likely kill if needed.
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