Saxony Migrant Homes Host to Murder, Rapes, Hundreds Of Violent Assaults


Newly released figures from the government of the German region of Saxony reveal the extent of crime in asylum homes showing there have been more than 2,000 criminal incidents including murder, rape, and physical violence.

The figures come from Saxony Interior Minister Markus Ulbig and reveal that the extent of criminality in Saxony asylum homes is far greater than what is reported in the German media or in police reports. The figures cover all of the asylum homes in the region for the entirety of 2016 and reveal a massive amount of crime, Bild reports.

The list of crimes includes three cases of murder or attempted murder, and seven cases of manslaughter or attempted manslaughter. Nine of the 10 combined cases are said to have been attempted murder or manslaughter, resulting in one fatality, according to the Interior Ministry.

Cases of physical injury are listed at 960 and cases of gross bodily harm at 671, dwarfing previous estimates that were based on police reports and reports in the mainstream media.

There were seven cases of rape in the Saxony asylum homes in 2016 and 10 cases of child abuse, the report states. Child abuse in asylum homes has become a significant problem for authorities in Germany.

Earlier this year, a 47-year-old asylum seeker in Augsburg was given a suspended sentence of 15 months after he was convicted of abusing children as young as five in the asylum home where he lived.

In Herford, police were accused of covering up another child abuse incident for almost two weeks which involved an adult man from Ghana abusing a 10-year-old girl.

After being questioned by the anti-mass migration Alternative for Germany party (AfD), the interior minister admitted that the figures for the first half of 2017 did not appear to be much different.

He said that by the end of June of this year, authorities had already counted over 500 cases of serious bodily harm, several cases of manslaughter, along with hundreds of thefts, and some cases of arson.

A ministry spokesman blamed the violence on the fact so many people of different ethnic, religious, and cultural backgrounds were forced to share the space in the asylum homes.

Follow Chris Tomlinson on Twitter at @TomlinsonCJ or email at ctomlinson(at) 


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