Self-proclaimed feminist “sextremist” group FEMEN have taken responsibility for interrupting a speech by Front National presidential candidate Marine Le Pen on Monday.

Ms. Le Pen was interrupted during her speech at a rally in the Parisian neighbourhood of Aubervilliers Monday by a pair of women, one of whom attempted to strip off naked and throw flowers at her. On Tuesday the group, known for their naked protests against mostly conservative and right wing figures, took responsibility on their website.

The group wrote that one of the activists “went on stage towards the candidate with a bouquet of flowers while another activist shouted a slogan in the middle of the audience”.

According to FEMEN, the reason for their protest was that Le Pen portrays herself as a “false feminist”.

On their Facebook page, FEMEN claim Le Pen and the Front National “target Muslims” and want to restore the death penalty. The group also accuses Le Pen of paying staff for “fake jobs” in the European Parliament. The fake jobs accusations have been made by the European Union who accuse Le Pen of paying staff for jobs in Brussels while the individuals lived elsewhere.

The group end the post saying: “FEMEN launches a fascist hunt for Easter!”

The incident is not the first time FEMEN has interrupted Le Pen during the presidential race. In February, a topless FEMEN member interrupted a speech by Le Pen in the French capital and repeatedly shouted the slogan, “Marine, Pretend Feminist” and had the phrase written across her torso.

FEMEN also criticised Le Pen when she refused to wear a headscarf in a meeting with the Grand Mufti of Lebanon, a move which led to the cancellation of the meeting. FEMEN alleged the move was a “stunt”, again claiming Le Pen is a fake feminist.

Founded in 2008, FEMEN is headquartered in Paris, though the group was originally founded in Ukraine. The group have become notorious in France for their stunts including mimicking an abortion in the church of Madeleine in Paris during mass in 2013.

FEMEN have also been active in other countries like Spain where in January one of their topless protestors grabbed the genital area of a wax statue of U.S. President Donald Trump at its unveiling while screaming: “Grab patriarchy by the balls.”

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