KASSAM: ‘America, Use Trump Presidency to Save the World from Itself Again’


Breitbart London editor in chief Raheem Kassam has urged Americans on the Breitbart News Daily radio show to get inspired by the Trump victory and use the momentum to save the world from the “suicidal philosophy of multiculturalism.”

Mr. Kassam spoke on the Monday edition of Breitbart News Daily to talk about the alarming trend in Europe and in North America of totalitarian hate speech laws and increasing pressure from governments on those who dare speak out against the liberal social justice orthodoxy.

“I have lived your future. I come, in a lot of ways, FROM the future,” Kassam said noting, “It’s a future of socialism, social-justice warriors, and the death of social conservatism.”

Kassam said that many have asked him if he will be returning to the UK, insisting “the war is lost — Europe is over”.

Speaking on the show this morning (link below) Kassam notes Europe has become “a continent that promotes a suicidal philosophy of multiculturalism while fashioning itself as the trendy home of tolerance. A continent that prefers fascist police-state cover-ups of major scandals to free speech.”

“I’m aghast that over the past few days Germany’s new Fuhrer, Angela Merkel, has decided that Germans should be grateful they have free speech,” he said, slamming German courts who recently made a ruling that the firebombing of a synagogue in Wuppertal was not anti-Semitic but was rather “a legitimate act of criticism against the state of Israel.”

Germany, he said, “is a country more concerned with covering up the disgusting excesses of its self-hating government policy than it is with enforcing morally based laws, and added, “what’s really interesting is that the same synagogue in Wuppertal was originally burned down by Nazis during Kristallnacht in 1938.”

The Breitbart London chief then pleaded with Americans not to “rest on your laurels” saying that by electing Donald Trump Americans have, “created the conditions in which you can speak and operate more freely. In which you can lobby more effectively. And in which you can stand up for your Constitution and your values like never before in recent history.”

“Please seize this opportunity and save the world once again. Please, America. We’re relying on you.”

Listen to the full segment HERE:

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