An Algerian who entered the UK illegally will be allowed to stay in the country, despite being a terror suspect with alleged links to Osama Bin Laden, because his fight against deportation damaged his “mental health”.

The man has been fighting deportation for 21 years, after entering the UK with a fake French passport, and is thought to have sent young British Muslims to terror training camps abroad.

According to The Telegraph, the judge ruled that the alleged jihadist’s two-decade long deportation battle had affected his mental health, such that he could not be deported in the end.

The man, who cannot be named, is also reported to be a father and uses a wheelchair.

Home Secretary Amber Rudd has repeatedly vowed to change the law to make it easier to deport foreign criminals or those thought to be a security risk, and this ruling is just the latest blow to the government’s aims.

Credit: Associated Press/AP

The Home Office previously refused to grant the migrant the right to remain in the UK and had imposed restrictions on him, insisting he stayed at his home address and report to a police station every month.

However, thanks to the judge, he will now also be allowed to study for a degree in Algebraic Thinking at the Open University.

It is claimed he was a supporter of Algerian terror group Call and Combat.

The Government alleged: “Your activities on behalf of the group and of extremist fighters in Chechnya include sponsoring young Muslims in the UK to go to Afghanistan to train for Jihad.”

In the ruling by the Special Immigration Appeals Commission, made on 16 December, Mr. Justice Collins said, “While I am not persuaded that the effect of maintaining short leave and conditions is to breach Article 3 of the ECHR, there can be no question that that is having an adverse effect on his mental health.”