Speaking to Dan Bongino on SiriusXM yesterday, Breitbart London’s Editor in Chief Raheem Kassam issued a stark warning over soaring German migrant crime, going so far as to predict a “failed state” if the country continues down the current path of ignoring rising criminality.

Bongino, a former Secret Service agent, was filling for Sean Hannity on the Sean Hannity show, and asked Kassam to explain a story in Breitbart London last week discussing recently released German crime statistics.

The German Interior ministry warned over far right criminality, ignoring the shocking statistics revealing disproportionately high crime rates from recent migrants.

Kassam said: “When you dig into the figures… line by line… what it actually shows is that the ‘far right’ crime that they’re talking about “skyrocketing” are things like “propaganda” crimes, things like “sedition”. This is basically where people are holding up banners outside newly built asylum centres in small towns and villages across Germany, and saying ‘We don’t want this government policy’. They’re calling that a crime. A hate crime. Sedition. A propaganda crime. That’s how they’re moving this statistic.”

He added: “Proportionately speaking, non-Germans and migrants account for maybe between 10 and 15 per cent of the population. We don’t know the exact figures. How could you, when you have porous borders? But when you look at the total number of offences: 30 per cent caused by non-Germans or illegal migrants or asylum seekers. Thirty per cent of homicides. Twenty per cent of sexual assaults. Forty per cent of robberies. Seventy-five per cent of pickpocketing and purse snatching.”

Kassam went on to compare how the left in Germany are also responsible for more violent crime than the right, according to the new stats. But this fact was also ignored by the German government.

He concluded: “My prediction on this whole thing is: if Germany doesn’t get a grip on this stuff, this is a failed state in 25 years time. If, first thing, when you walk into the country, is that you walk in and commit a crime… and you’re told “hey, don’t worry about it, don’t worry about the law, here’s a house, we’ll look after you”, what sort of impact does that [have], what sort of signal does that give to these people?

“We’re seeing it now. They’re not caring about the law.”