Anti-Populists Band Together To Undermine Democratically Elected Right Wing Government


Polish opposition parties have formed an alliance called “Liberty, Equality, Democracy” in an attempt to undermine the democratically elected Law and Justice Party (PiS).

Despite its name, and the Western media’s coverage of it as a “pro-democracy” alliance, the movement has been described as an amalgam of elites who “have banded together to undermine the new democratically elected government” and who will “do anything they can to retain the privilege that they have been elected out of.”

Die Welt enthusiastically reported that the parties are working together for the “rule of law” and to pursue European Union (EU) friendly policies.  The alliance is supported by the Committee for the Defence of Democracy (KOD), “which organised mass protests against the national-conservative government” for months.

To date, the parties that have become involved in the alliance are: the neoliberal Modern party; the agrarian Polish People’s Party (PSL), which have a small handful of seats in Poland’s lower parliamentary house; and the socialist Democratic Left Alliance (SLD) who are no longer represented in parliament.

Between them, these parties received less than 20 per cent of Poles’ votes at last October’s elections. SLD chief Wlodzimierz Czarzasty said of the alliance: “We are here to express our opposition to the spread of Eurosceptical ideas.”

It is unclear how this opposition ties in with democracy when in October the Eurosceptic Law and Justice party (PiS) garnered overwhelming support from the Polish people.

The German newspaper repeated the usual talking points of much of the anti-populist Western media, claiming that “Poland is in a political crisis” since the Eurosceptic, conservative political party became the first in the post-1989 era to win a mandate to govern the country unilaterally.

At the announcement of the new alliance, in Warsaw, KOD CEO Mateusz Kijowski stated the organisation’s main concerns to be attachment to “European values,” defence of the constitutional order in Poland and opposition to the “appropriation of state institutions” by PiS.

Die Welt, mirroring KOD’s warnings of the supposed danger PiS has posed to the constitution, asserted that one of the major “threats” to Poland’s democracy is the “weakening” of the constitutional court.

Matthew Tyrmand, Polish citizen and international commentator on the country’s political affairs, wrote for Breitbart London that PiS’s reforms added necessary balance to a corrupt and “hyper partisan” body, adding that the previous government’s “illegal packing of the judiciary was the real constitutional crisis.”

When it became evident to the former ruling Civic Platform (PO) party that PiS would win the elections, PO “appointed two new justices while simultaneously retiring two sitting justices before their terms were up.”

The Western media was silent on this unconstitutional move, which Mr. Tyrmand points out “was akin to Obama appointing two new United States Supreme Court Justices while forcing the retirement of two conservative justices before their terms were up by executive order without Senate confirmation.”

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), the Guardian and other Western media outlets repeatedly cover KOD as “defending democracy” despite the group, thought to be funded by nefarious George Soros-backed organisations, stages protests against the democractically-elected popular government.

Mr. Tymand, who is also Deputy Director of government spending watchdog OpenTheBooks, told Breitbart London that KOD is an amalgam of elites who “have banded together to undermine the new democratically elected government” and will “do anything they can to retain the privilege that they have been elected out of.”

KOD’s posturing to the “sympathetic, mainstream globalist press,” with whom, Mr. Tymand explains, the group has deep and long term relationships, is done “to weaken this government in international eyes.”

Bill Clinton, on the presidential campaign trail in support of his wife Hillary, has also weighed in on the democratic choices of the Polish people, and drew criticism this week after accusing Polish voters of rejecting democracy.

The people KOD represents  — ex-communists and “elite Brussels-centred socialists”  — Mr. Tyrmand says are precisely the political class who have “absolutely looted the country the last 25 years”.

Contrary to Die Welt’s reporting of this political alliance, it appears that KOD and their political project have little motive or desire to “defend democracy” as they so claim.


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