Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban is stepping up his campaign against the European Union’s (EU) forced migrant relocation programme, and is seeking other leaders to help him take on Brussels.

Mr. Orban said if such important decisions as immigration were left entirely down to the European Union, Hungary would be effectively giving up control of their own ethnicity. He said more important than shifting migrants around inside Europe, the continental power bloc should look at properly controlling their own external borders.

The move by Mr. Orban is his latest play in the campaign against the forced movement of migrants to Hungary from other European Union countries. While very few migrants would choose to move to Hungary, a state where they can expect little in terms of welfare and even less in sympathy from locals, the EU resettlement plan would see thousands of migrants ‘fairly’ redistributed around the continent.

The programme is designed to take the pressure off high demand nations like Sweden and Germany, and to shift it to less popular nations like Poland and Hungary.

Speaking this morning on Hungarian state radio, Mr. Orban said if the nation accepts the European Union’s plan to force resettlement of non-European migrants on the country though “compulsory quotas”, then inevitably: “it would be determined not in Hungary but in Brussels who we have to live together with, and how the ethnic composition of the country will look in future”.

Mr. Orban said Europe didn’t need to tinker with rules already in place such as the Dublin regulations and the Schengen free movement agreement, but rather just needed to properly enforce them. Referring to his own efforts at home to protect Europe’s borders and to repel illegal migrants, Mr. Orban remarked: “this is what Hungary is doing”, reports Hungary Today.

Speaking on radio, the Hungarian leader said in coming weeks he would be touring European capitals and meeting with national leaders to recruit allies for his “war against Brussels” and the Union’s pro-migrant politics.

He may also visit some countries where can could be guaranteed to receive a frosty reception. Perhaps Europe’s main opponent to German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s immigrant policy, Mr. Orban will skip Berlin and go straight for Ms. Merkel’s predecessor, former Chancellor Kohl.

As reported by Breitbart London, the forthcoming house-visit to the giant of Cold-War politics by Mr. Orban has already caused significant consternation in Berlin, and is being seen as a “snub” to Merkel by Helmut Kohl, who also led the country under the banner of the CDU party.

Speaking of his admiration for Mr. Orban, Helmut Kohl told Bild that he alwas defended the Hungarian leader against criticism, and that he saw him as a “European with heart and soul”.

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