UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage has warned that Cologne-style mass sex attacks could take place in Britain if the country doesn’t vote to leave the European Union in June.

In January, Breitbart London broke the story that more than 1,000 women had been assaulted in Central Cologne as they were enjoying a night out to celebrate the New Year. Despite the police and political class’s best attempts to ignore the events, it soon emerged that their attackers were mainly middle eastern immigrants, some newly arrived in the latest unprecedented wave of immigration.

Since then women across Europe have been advised to be prepared for sex attacks in public, asked not to dress provocatively or drink too much, and have even been awarded segregated carriages on German railways, all thanks to a European policy of allowing unfettered free movement of immigrants across the continent.

Addressing an audience at a Grassroots Out meeting earlier this week, Mr Farage warned that European leaders’ failure to get to grips with the problem was reversing the century-long march towards womens’ liberation in the West.

“We’ve been through a hundred years of female emancipation and liberation and now the mistakes of Mrs Merkel are threatening all of that,” he said, the Express has reported.

“What we saw outside that train station in Cologne on New Year’s Eve was truly and genuinely shocking,” he continued.

“I am not saying that we are not immune from such problems in this country.

“But to me, if you allow the unlimited access of huge numbers of young males into the European continent who come from countries where women are at best second class citizens, don’t be surprised if scenes that we saw in Cologne don’t happen more often.”

“For goodness sake, do we want those young men within five years to have EU passports and to be able to come to our country and to reverse a hundred years of female liberation and to change our entire way of life? Surely the answer must be no.”

Describing the referendum “political class against the ordinary decent men and women of this country,” he urged supporters to hold the political class to account by voting for a Brexit, saying: “It is the job of the British Government to make our own laws, to control our own borders and it’s about time we started putting the interests of our own people first.”

And he hit back at the Prime Minister David Cameron’s suggestion that Britain would be less safe outside the European Union by highlighting the European security failures which led to a horrific terrorist attack right in the heart of the European Quarter in Brussels only last week.

Following the attacks, both the former head of MI6, Sir Richard Dearlove, and former CIA director General Michael Hayden confirmed that Britain would be demonstrably safer outside the EU as she would once again have proper control over her own borders.

“Mr Cameron has decided he decided he will fight this referendum on the issue of security,” Farage said. “He will say that we are safer by being part of the European Union.

“I’m very sorry but the free movement of people across the Europe has meant that not only do we have the free movement of nice people but we have free movement of bad people.

“It has meant the free movement of criminal traffickers, Kalashnikov guns and terrorists.

“The most vital thing we could do protect this country against this horrendous terrorist wave that we are seeing is to take back control of our country and its borders.”

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