FARAGE FOR BREITBART: An Insult To 4.4 million People – Cameron Cancels Meeting With Me In Favour Of EU Federalists


I was surprised that David Cameron accepted the invitation from European President and Euro fanatic Martin Schulz to attend a Conference of Presidents meeting.

As I have observed before, there are innumerable Presidents within the European Union (EU) structures. In this context it meant a meeting of the leaders of the eight official groups in the European Parliament.

And yes, I am one of those Presidents.

The meetings take place in camera but nobody is prevented from discussing afterwards what was said.

So I arrived on Monday morning in Brussels and received my official documentation for the meeting to take place on Tuesday 16th at 11:30am.

Item number three was an exchange of views with Mr. David Cameron.

I was looking forward to a full and frank exchange and to asking the Prime Minister whether he was prepared to admit that the very people in that room could scupper his deal. I was also very keen to assess his current enthusiasm as previously displayed for Turkish entry into the EU.

But by mid-morning all that had changed. Downing Street informed us that the Prime Minister was now not going to attend this meeting. He would instead have private meetings with senior European Parliament figures.

Most of these planned meetings were one-on-one and nearly all of the people he was happy to meet are fanatical EU federalists like Mr Verhofstadt.

Downing Street was also explicit that he would not meet me. I wonder why?

Even if Cameron wins this referendum the European Parliament will have to approve the secondary legislation in order for us to implement some miniscule changes on migrant benefits.

The feeling I get in this institution is that there are  many groups here who are spoiling for a fight.

The last thing that Cameron wanted was for me to leave that meeting and to express that there was a strong possibility that if the Prime Minister did win a referendum, it would be on a deal that would subsequently be scuppered.

No doubt after his private meetings he will say we’ve got the necessary assurances. He always does.

The real truth is that this deal is not worth the paper it’s written on. It is subject to European Parliamentary approval and ultimately judgements of the European Court of Justice.

I am not sure that this ‘deal’ is the kind of second hand car that the British public will buy from the Prime Minister. There is no reason to trust him.

This deal is no more than Cam’s sham.


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