Now Students Want To Ban Lefty Feminist Germaine Greer For Being ‘Transphobic’

Germaine Greer

Following the news that the former English Defence League (EDL) leader Tommy Robinson has had talks cancelled at both Durham and Edinburgh universities in the past week, it is now being reported that students at the University of Cardiff are attempting to block the appearance of left-wing luvvie Germaine Greer for being “transphobic”.

Ms. Greer, author of “The Female Eunuch”, has campaigned for feminist causes for many of her 76 years on this planet. But that’s not enough for the Women’s Officer at Cardiff University, who is whipping up outrage on campus over the her refusal to allow a transgender person to take up a position at a women’s college because he was born a man.

She was due to give a talk on November 18th, entitled: “Women & Power: The Lessons of the 20th century” according to Wales Online, but a petition calling for her to be banned has rocketed past 200 signatures at the campus.

One “gender fluid” objector said: “I’ve signed the petition because, while I acknowledge that Germaine Greer has been a great advocate for women’s rights in the past and that she has helped feminism progress, she has always expressed extremely transphobic attitudes.

“For example, when she was a fellow at Cambridge, she opposed the admittance of a transgender colleague to her women’s college because they had originally been born a man, which is just unacceptable.”

Mrs. Greer has previously written of transgender men that they are men “who believe they are women and have them castrated”.

The petition’s text reads: “Greer has demonstrated time and time again her misogynistic views towards trans women, including continually misgendering trans women and denying the existence of transphobia altogether.

“Trans-exclusionary views should have no place in feminism or society.

“Such attitudes contribute to the high levels of stigma, hatred and violence towards trans people – particularly trans women – both in the UK and across the world.”

A counter-petition, however, has gained 71 signatures, claiming: “I find it abhorrent that I must make a counterpetition so a second wave feminist isn’t silenced by those who could just as easily not go to the lecture yet instead have decided to try and no platform her, to silence her. They’ve given no evidence in the petition either, just slurs.

“This reactionary tactic of calling a woman a ‘transphobe’ is no different than calling someone a ‘commie’ in 1960’s America during the cold war. It’s a slur that contains no analysis, just an emotional response that is primarily used against women who talk about women’s biological realities, not gender identities.

“Greer centers females/women in her work. I fail to see how anyone who centers women is encouraging violence against anyone.

“Her position on gender doesn’t make anyone unsafe. The very marginalized group that Greer talks to and about is women. We are a protected class. Silencing her is silencing us.

“Enough is enough.  Stop  no platforming women who only want to talk about women’s rights and women’s lives.”

Cardiff University’s Vice-Chancellor said: “We are committed to freedom of speech and open debate.

“Our events include speakers with a range of views, all of which are rigorously challenged and debated. This event will be no different.

“Our commitment to our LGBT+ students and staff members is unwavering and we fully recognise the tremendous benefits having such a diverse community brings to Cardiff University.

“At Cardiff University we work hard to provide a positive and welcoming space for LGBT+ people and we are in consultation with student and staff groups to ensure that the views of LGBT+ people are represented at our events.

“We in no way condone discriminatory comments of any kind.”


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