Orban: Eventually There Will Be More Muslims Than Christians In Europe

Viktor Orban

There will eventually be more Muslims than Christians in Europe as the continent’s non-Muslim population is ill-equipped to fight the coming “cultural competition”, Viktor Orban has said.

In a wide-ranging interview with German daily Die Welt, the Hungarian Prime Minister also revealed he was considering extending the country’s border fence to cover the Croatian and Romanian borders as the migrants look for new routes through Europe.

Orban told the paper it was “simple mathematics” that Muslims will overtake Christians as they place greater emphasis on “family, children, [and] community cohesion”, things that Christians no longer seem to value.

When asked whether he agreed with Merkel’s position of welcoming migrants, Orban responded: “I like the Chancellor’s previous statement: ‘multiculturalism is dead.’ I agree with that. We do not want to follow the multicultural approach.”

He also denied wanting to keep Hungary ethnically pure, saying his concerns hinge on culture: “We look back on a very long history and want to carry on as before.”

On the subject of the border fence, Orban said he was “expanding the fence now also along part of the Romanian border.” He said Hungary will also need to extend it across the Croatian border, but the decision will ultimately be determined by the route people smugglers take.

The Hungarian Prime Minister accused NGOs and human rights groups of training the migrants in how to look good on Western media. “NGOs, human rights defenders, and activists agree with the cause of migrants and help them with suggestions. The migrants also learn from the behaviour of the Western media.”

He denied his country was in breach of the Geneva Convention, saying: “The Geneva Conventions provide for a right to security, but not a right to choose the country where you get protection. Refugees also have responsibilities and must respect the laws of the country.”

He also hit back at claims Hungary was not taking its moral obligations seriously. “We all have a moral obligation. Hungary is a European and Christian country, this is our culture, and we take our responsibility and our moral duty very seriously. However, the first obligation must be to stop the influx of migrants – because on the way across the sea ten to 15 percent per cent of them perish.”

Orban took the opportunity to slam European leaders for trying to impose mandatory quotas of migrants on countries. “European leaders do not understand how people think. If refugees in the Near East hear that Europe [has introduced these quotas], they will understand it as an invitation to come.”

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