Trans-Activists Claim Transgender Film Isn’t Transgender Enough


A “pioneering and inspirational” new film about one of the first westerners to snip their bits off in the name of transgenderism has offended transgender activists… because it is not transgender enough. The Danish Girl, which is set for release in November, was expected to be a big pleaser for LGBT disciples, but now, thousands online are threatening to boycott it. 

Okay, the fact that transgender activists are angry is hardly news; they are perpetually outraged. They’re angry about transvestites, charity fun runs, university lectures and even other feminists and gay rights activists. But this might be a new extreme.

The Danish Girl tells the story of Lili Ilse Elvenes (1882 –1931), a Danish transgendered woman and one of the first identifiable recipients of sex reassignment surgery. Shockingly, however, the BAFTA and EMMY nominated director chose to cast Oscar winning actor Edward Redmayne OBE in the lead roll.

What’s the problem, then? Well, Redmayne is a man, a so-call “cis-man,” meaning that he was born a man, remains a man, and isn’t transgendered. Which is really not on, according to the trans-lobby. It is “erasing their existence,” perpetuating “discrimination” and “transmysoginy,” they say.

Redmayne – whose job is literally to pretend to be people he’s not – is also not Danish, as it happens. We await the response of potential offended Danes.

The campaign is gaining some traction, the obligatory petition has been started and the director has been forced to “explain” his “problematic” decisions in two interviews thus far.

The petition reads: “[The film] would usually be something to celebrate except that after their engagement of Tom Hooper as director, he in turn engaged a cis man, Eddie Redmayne, to play the historical trans woman.”

Adding: “It is disappointing that Mr. Redmayne (sic), part of many feminist campaigns, has agreed to this film and dealt a blow to the trans actresses and trans community by dismissing their rights as part of a feminist movement,” which is, “akin to an actor blackfacing to play Martin Luther King,” they say.

In fawningly politically correct language, the director apologised to the offended: “…I feel that within the industry at the moment there is a problem,” he told Variety. “There is a huge pool of talented trans actors and the access to parts is limited. I would champion any shift where the industry could move forward and embrace trans actors in trans and cisgender roles and also celebrate and encourage trans filmmakers,” he added.

In recent months there has been a raft of new transgender focused sitcoms and films, including from the BBC. Many, however, have failed to meet the impossibly high political correct standards of the trans-lobby. The Stonewall film, for example, about the gay rights movement, was “too white,” and didn’t feature enough “trans-women-of color,” we were told.



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