Greek citizens are celebrating tonight as around 61 per cent of them voted ‘no’ to the European Union-imposed bailout measures. 

Polls closed at 4pm local time today, whereupon it soon became clear that the ‘No’ camp – rejecting EU-demands for ‘austerity’ – had triumphed. As the night wore on, the margin between the two sides gradually increased, leading to jubilant scenes on the streets of Greece.

Prime Minister Alex Tsipras tweeted earlier: “I want to thank each and every one of you. Regardless of how you voted, tonight we are all one”.


Greek parliament’s president and Syriza party member, Zoe Kostantopoulou (C) makes a selfie with a ‘NO’ supporter , as she joins the celebrations in front of the parliament late on July 5, 2015 in Athens after early results showed those who rejected further austerity measures in a crucial bailout referendum were poised to win. Greek voters headed to the polls July 5 to vote in a historic, tightly-fought referendum on whether to accept worsening austerity measures in exchange for more bailout funds, in a gamble that could see the country crash out of the euro


A boy holds a Greek national flag as people celebrate in front of the parliament on July 5, 2015 in Athens after early results showed those who rejected further austerity measures in a crucial bailout referendum were poised to win


A man holds a Greek national flag as he celebrates in front of the parliament on July 5, 2015 in Athens after early results showed those who rejected further austerity measures in a crucial bailout referendum were poised to win


People gather in front of the Greek Parliament in Athens on July 5, 2015, after early results showed those who rejected further austerity measures in a crucial bailout referendum were poised to win


A person holds a banner reading ” I am a Greek, stop at blackmail creditors” during a rally in support of the people of Greece on the Republique square (statue at background) in Paris on July 5, 2015, as Greeks vote in a referendum on bailout conditions


European MP and former president of the left-wing party Front de Gauche Jean-Luc Melenchon (C) gestures during a rally in support of the people of Greece on the Republique square in Paris on July 5, 2015, after Greeks voted in a referendum on bailout conditions


An elderly man sells corn as people gather to celebrate in Athens on July 5, 2015 after the first exit-polls of the Greek referendum


People shout slogans in front of the White Tower, city’s landmark, in Thessaloniki on July 5, 2015, after early results showed those who rejected further austerity measures in a crucial bailout referendum were poised to win


People celebrate in Athens on July 5, 2015 after the first exit-polls of the Greek referendum


People celebrate in front of the Greek parliament as early opinion polls predict a win for the Oxi, or No, campaign in the Greek austerity referendum


A woman, supporting a “No” vote in the Greek referendum, holds a Greek national flag as she celebrates at Syntagma Square in Athens on July 5, 2015 after the first exit-polls of a referendum on austerity measures

All images credit: Getty