The Girl With the Farage Tattoo: Derbyshire Mum Shows Off UKIP Leader Ink

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Kerrie Webb/Breitbart London

We can think of worse body art to get. An avid UKIP supporter has been in touch with Breitbart London to show off her newly acquired Nigel Farage tattoo. And don’t worry, it’s in a totally innocent place! 

Kerrie Webb, who lists herself as the “Vice chair of UKIP Chesterfield N Derbys” as well as being a “mum n wife” and “gender fluid” posted her brand new body art on Twitter today, after crowdsourcing ideas via the social networking website for good pictures of the UKIP leader.

Webb told Breitbart London on Monday: “im def getting it done not some fantasist just gathering thoughts ideas would be nice if the man himself has a pic or two he likes.” She was booked in by her tattooist today, and posted pictures as soon as it was done, stating, “might put a quote with it or union jack behind at some point but this is my tattoo”.

Nigel Farage told Breitbart London: “I’m stunned, and somewhat flattered that anyone would defile their body for me!”

Webb has previously tweeted: “Nigel Farage is my hero ffs im having his tattoo- Im bound to get irritated when someone tries to damage his reputation in MSM”.

We guess she won’t be getting a tattoo of Suzanne Evans anytime soon, then?



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