Senior British figures have taken to Twitter to express their horror and (in some cases) indifference at the attack on Charlie Hebdo by Islamic terrorists. They join an army of other British people who are now using various hashtags including #JeSuisCharlie to show their support for the French Republic at this difficult time.
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II – Sovereign
Rt. Hon. David Cameron MP – Prime Minister
Rt. Hon. Ed Miliband MP – Leader of HM Loyal Opposition
Nigel Farage MEP – Leader of the United Kingdom Independence Party
Prof. Richard Dawkins – Evolutionary Biologist
Daniel Hannan MEP – Anti-EU Campaigner and Journalist
Anjem Choudary – British Hate Preacher
Sadiq Khan MP – Labour London Mayoral Hopeful (his only tweet today, posted at around 1.10pm)
Tony Barber – Financial Time (on their website)
Charlie Hebdo was “editorially foolish” and “stupid” it was a “Muslim baiting magazine”.
Damian Thompson – Spectator Magazine (in response)
Ed Husain – Adviser to Tony Blair Faith Foundation
Amjad Bashir MEP – UKIP Communities Spokesman
Richard Branson – Founder, The Virgin Group
Matthew Barzun – US Ambassador to the United Kingdom
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