Natasha Bolter, the UKIP member at the centre of allegations against party General Secretary, Roger Bird misspelt the name of the Oxford University college she claimed to have attended on her application to be a parliamentary candidate. Her handwritten application claimed she had attended “Wadam College” but the college is actually spelt with an ‘H’: Wadham College.

Her failure to successfully spell the name of the college was the final straw that led to Oxford University confirming that she had never been a student there. The revelation about her fictitious academic record has led UKIP’s top brass to investigate how much more of her background has been invented. So far they have discovered she also got the date of her own birth wrong, by knocking a few years off.

The investigation into Bird – who was suspended as General Secretary last – will now focus on whether he knew about the lies on her CV. It is already known he allowed her onto the approved candidates list after conducting an interview in a club. 

Rumours about Bolter faking elements of her CV surfaced yesterday when journalists took to Twitter to appeal for friends of hers from Oxford University to come forward and confirm she attended. No one admitted to ever having met her at Wadham College, and she did not appear on any alumni list. 

A UKIP official told Breitbart London: “Her academic claims have now been proved to be utter fiction, but in a sense that isn’t the important issue. What we now need to know is what Roger Bird knew about this and when he knew.

“Anyone can make a mistake but if he deliberately ignored questions over her CV then he will need to answer for that. This is now all about how she got selected, no-one believes the sexual harassment element of the story.”

Bolter had been hailed as a rising star of UKIP, but once questions were raised about her candidature in Basildon she resigned from the party in disgust. She had been involved for just three months, having previously claimed to have campaigned for Labour: a claim that is also now being called into question.

The application process to become a UKIP approved candidate were supposed to have been tightened up after the European elections. Nigel Farage himself publicly admitted that vetting had been a “problem” and pledged to improve the process. Party managers will now have to decide whether Bird deliberately undermined that vetting or was innocently taken in.