The BBC has announced it is to open its first theme park, featuring popular shows such as Doctor Who and Top Gear. The new park will be part of the new Paramount Entertainment Resort in Kent due to open in 2020.
The commercial arm of the corporation, BBC Worldwide, has struck up the deal with London Resort Company Holdings (LRCH). Stephen Davies, Director of Live Events, BBC Worldwide, told the Daily Telegraph: “We’re always looking for opportunities to extend fans’ enjoyment of their favourite shows and the idea behind this resort is a really exciting way of celebrating the very special place the BBC has in British culture.”
David Testa, Director of LRCH, said: “We are delighted to bring the world’s leading public service broadcaster on board this project. The BBC has played an instrumental role in shaping the British entertainment industry for nearly a century, creating some of the most iconic and cherished characters on TV and radio.
“It seems only right therefore that its programmes will be present at the new London Paramount Entertainment Resort, which will combine the glamour of Hollywood with the best of British culture.”
This is not the first time someone has tried to open a theme park based on a TV show. Lancaster City Council invested heavily in Blobbyworld, a theme park based on Mr Blobby from TV show Noel’s House Party. However, the project ended in disaster and cost the local taxpayer millions.
BBC Worldwide take TV shows paid for through the license fee and then sells them on for profit. The proceeds are not returned to the license fee payer, leading to suggestions that the BBC are deliberately profiteering from the taxpayer.