Restaurants in the House of Commons have launched a vegan loyalty card to celebrate world vegan month. MPs and staffers can get a free vegan meal during November if they buy nine, or after five they can claim a gluten free vegan snack bar.

The scheme has been launched to celebrate World Vegan Month in November. Diners can get a card and start collecting the stamps in five of the parliamentary restaurants. There is no equivalent scheme for meat eaters.

This is not the first time parliamentarians have attempted to lead the way on vegetarianism. Shortly after the 2010 election six MPs signed a commons motion calling for the public to observe ‘meat free Monday’. They claimed adopting the scheme would help reverse the effects of climate change.

Parliament has a number of restaurants ranging in price from around £3 for a main course up to £20. There are also a number of bars, which are yet to encourage vegan organic beer.

One Westminster staffer told Breitbart London: “I don’t care what anyone says, giving discounts to vegans discriminates against Conservatives. I wouldn’t touch a vegan meal whether it was free or not, they are just awful. As for the vegan snack bar, I’m not convinced they taste better than a Mars bar.”