EDINBURGH, United Kingdom – Prime Minister David Cameron has said that he would be “heartbroken” if Scotland left the UK. Cameron was speaking as part of a concerted effort by the Conservatives, Labour and Liberal Democrats to revive the faltering no campaign.

As previously reported by Breitbart London today’s Prime Minister’s Question Time was skipped by Cameron, Clegg and Miliband. They instead headed to Scotland as poll after poll shows that the independence vote is now too close to call.

Cameron told an invited audience in Edinburgh he would be “heartbroken if this family of nations torn apart”. He went on to say: “I love my country more than I love my party”. His intervention came as yet another poll made sombre reading for the unionist camp. 

The influential website MumsNet conducted a poll in which 48 percent of users favoured independence, 41 percent were against, with 11 percent undecided. The poll is particularly worrying as the vote next Thursday will now come down to who can swing undecided voters, who are disproportionately younger women.

At the same time as Cameron was speaking in Edinburgh the SNP leader and First Minister Alex Salmond continued his relentless campaign. Unlike other leaders he has been campaigning hard from the outset and his diligence is paying off as support for independence rises.

Salmond was joined at a rally near the Meadowbank Stadium in Edinburgh by politicians from the Scottish Socialist Party and the Green Party. Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon once again reiterated that a vote for independence would enable the country to pursue more radically left-wing policies on health.