The Labour Party’s new party political broadcast for the European Elections has revealed that Ed Miliband’s team is chasing former Liberal Democrat voters. The video, uploaded to YouTube earlier today, shows an old-fashioned black and white film featuring actors playing different Cabinet Minister’s from Britain’s coalition government.

Deputy Prime Minister and Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg comes off worse for wear in the latest Labour video on the run up to European elections. Curiously, the European elections are not once mentioned, though tax cuts, fox hunting, and the spare-room subsidy policy all are.

The video even mocks the late Lady Thatcher, when various Tories are heard to be discussing Conservative Party policy.

Labour will no doubt come under fire for brazenly avoiding the Europe question – a fact that is no doubt linked to the policy adopted by Ed Miliband and his shadow cabinet, that the British public should not be allowed a referendum on EU membership.

The video also plays up ‘class warfare’ in Britain, whereas Miliband has previously claimed to be of a ‘one nation’ philosophy.

The video makes a reference to a cat named Socks, the political significance of which may be related to Bill Clinton’s cat of the same name which died in 2009.