ROME — Climate specialist Bjorn Lomborg revealed Sunday that 2022 was the 2nd weakest year for hurricanes in more than forty years (1980-2022) and yet no mainstream media have reported on this.

Lomborg, who acknowledges the reality of climate change while refuting climate alarmism, noted that the drop in extreme weather events like hurricanes does not fit with the reigning apocalyptic reporting on global warming and thus is swept under the rug by mainstream media.

A report this month by Colorado State University shows that globally there were only 115.25 hurricane days in 2022, among the very lowest in the entire satellite era.

By comparison, there were 162.25 hurricane days in 1982, 172.25 in 1986, 199.25 in 1989, 253.75 in 1992, 218.25 in 1996, 216 in 2004, 223.5 in 2018 and 172.25 in 2019.

In the last 42 years, the only year that saw fewer hurricane days than 2022 was 2010, in which there were slightly fewer: 112.

Even considering the absolute number of hurricanes throughout the calendar year, 2022 still figured among the lowest, with only 40. In 1982 there were 46, in 1985 there were 51, in 1989 there were 55, in 1990 there were 58, in 1992 there were 59, and in 1997 there were 58.

As Lomborg points out, global hurricanes in 2022 had the second lowest accumulated energy since 1980, beaten only by 1981. “Despite breathless climate reporting,” he writes, “hurricanes are getting stronger globally.”

One thing that shines as abundantly clear in the Colorado State report is that there is no trend from year to year of an increasing number of hurricanes. The average yearly number is, in fact, remarkably constant.

Lomborg has also demonstrated that the human cost of extreme weather events is also falling year by year, with annual weather-related deaths plummeting by some 96 percent over the past 100 years.

As he cogently argues, “our increased wealth and increased adaptive capacity has vastly overshadowed any potential negative impact from climate when it comes to human climate vulnerability.”

All of this is a pity, of course, if you are a climate alarmist that would like to see evidence of the hysterical prophecies of a coming climate doomsday.