Former Trump EPA Administrator Blasts Climate Activist Hypocrites: ‘They Preach for Everybody Else’

Video Source: Matthew Perdie and Jack Knudsen

ORLANDO, Florida — Democrat climate activists, including John Kerry, the Biden administration’s climate envoy, and former Vice President Al Gore, “preach” to the American people but fail to listen to their own recommendations, former Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Andrew Wheeler told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview.

When asked about climate activists such as Al Gore, who in 2006 warned the world would reach the “point of no return within ten years” unless nations took “drastic measures,” Wheeler highlighted the hypocrisy of Democrat climate advocates.

“He’s like the movie groundhogs day,” Wheeler told Breitbart News during an exclusive interview at this year’s annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). “Every couple years, he comes out and says there’s a point of no return, and he’s wrong every single time. He’s actually become extremely wealthy off of the climate change movement.”

“He makes an incredible amount of money giving speeches. He travels around the world on private jets. So many of the people that preach and, quite frankly, John Kerry is in the same situation. They preach for everybody else, to fall in line with the things that they want to see them do without actually listening to their own recommendations,” he continued. “It’s really a lot of hypocrisy.”

When asked about Kerry, who has defended his private jet usage, Wheeler pointed to the Democrat’s “incredible carbon footprint.”

“He’s doing a lot on private jets travel-wise. He always has. He has an incredible carbon footprint himself personally. So does Al Gore. They both do. But they don’t want the average American to have those freedoms that they have and enjoy every single day,” he observed.

Kerry came under fire this year following the revelation that he took a private jet to Iceland in 2019 to accept an environmental award. He defended his mode of transportation, telling a reporter it is “the only choice for somebody like me who is traveling the world to win this battle.” He did not explain why he opted for a private jet over a commercial flight and stated he was “not going to be put on the defensive,” given his dedication to the cause of climate change.

 When asked if radical Democrats will get President Biden to sign a form of a Green New Deal, Wheeler said it will likely happen on a piecemeal basis.

“If you look at his policy on natural gas drilling and what wanting to ban it on federal lands, you know, that hurts the American worker. It hurts the American consumer, and it makes the environment worse because we then become more dependent on other countries for natural gas and for our energy,” he said.

“So they’re going to do it on a piecemeal basis,” Wheeler predicted. “But at least, President Biden is not going to call it the Green New Deal, but his supporters certainly will.”


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