A ten-year-old girl in Medford, Oregon, has raised thousands of dollars to help those who lost their homes in the recent Almeda Fire.

When 4th grade Wilson Elementary School student Izabelle Wright heard about the devastation the wildfires left behind, she decided to help those affected in a big way, according to Fox 26.

She opened a lemonade stand and set her fundraising goal at $2,000. However, during a four day period she ended up raising nearly $3,000.

“If we don’t reach the goal, then we’ll come back out tomorrow,” Izabelle said of her efforts.

However, it was not her first time to raise money for people in need. She did the same thing in 2017 for Hurricane Harvey survivors.

“It’s awesome, she’s asked for a while to do a lemonade stand and with COVID and everything we were thinking that probably wasn’t a good idea, but then we had a cause to raise money for,” said her mom, Roxanne.

Fire officials announced September 15 the Almeda Fire that ripped through the towns of Talent and Phoenix had been 100 percent contained, according to the Oregonian.

“The known death toll from those southern Oregon fires has been reduced from five to three,” the report said.

Thanks to Izabelle’s kindness and hard work, the survivors will have some help in the recovery process and all the funds raised will be donated to the United Way or the Red Cross.

“It feels really good that I’m helping everyone who has lost their homes,” she commented.

The ten-year-old believes she put in about 20 hours toward the cause, adding that she would sit outside her house every day until she met her goal.

“She loves to give, I mean, she’s very sweet when she talks to other people and she likes to compliment people on what they’re wearing or earrings… just to make them have a happier day,” her mom concluded.