Nolte: Hollywood Sold Its Soul to China, Then the Devil Tricked Them

SHANGHAI, CHINA - AUGUST 13, 2024 - Fans walk past a promotional poster inside the Hollywo
CFOTO/Future Publishing via Getty Images

For two decades, Hollywood pandered to the Nazis in the communist Chinese government, and now China hardly screens Hollywood’s movies anymore.

Ha. Ha.

“By the time Hollywood movies returned to screens in China [after the pandemic], they were met with a much more insular as well as developed home market,” reports CNBC.

“China learned all they could from Hollywood. Now they make their own big-budget blockbuster films with good special effects and even good animated films.” Stanley Rosen, a professor who specializes in Chinese politics, society, and film, told the outlet. ”They don’t need Hollywood anymore.”

“Chinese audiences may also be growing tired of repetitive Hollywood storylines, particularly since China has recently begun importing more films of non-Hollywood origins[.]”

China’s not alone in growing tired of repetitive films. More…:

For years, films have caught bad publicity for pandering or making changes to movies to appease Chinese audiences and win approval from authorities.

For instance, Disney was criticized for filming “Mulan” in the Xinjiang region in China, and thanking domestic government entities in the movie credits. The U.S. maintains that Muslim minority groups have faced human rights abuses and atrocities in Xinjiang.

Not that I would ever defend the demonic Disney Grooming Syndicate, but it wasn’t just the Louse House appeasing this mass-murdering government. In what was once accurately described as “China taking over America’s film industry,” among others, blockbusters like Barbie, Mission: Impossible 3, that Red Dawn remake, The Martian, 2012, and Transformers all either agreed to China’s censorship wishes or portrayed a mass-murdering government as heroic.

And that wasn’t even the worst of it.

The worst was how appeasing China turned American films into blah, into something generic, into sound and fury, and CGI, that said nothing. We’re still suffering through this blockbuster approach to filmmaking, and it sucks.

For two decades, Hollywood sold and then re-sold its soul.

What’s truly amazing is that the film industry has learned nothing from its own product. Over the last hundred years, Hollywood has produced countless movies involving the selling of one’s soul. Name one where the seller came out ahead. Name one where the Devil didn’t trick the seller in the end. You can’t. Nevertheless, Hollywood whored out its soul of artistic integrity only to be tricked and discarded.

If you’re not disgusted enough by that, keep the following in mind…

This wasn’t just about greed. Oh, sure, greed had plenty to do with it. But do you see Hollywood banging on Russia’s door to open its markets to 150 million potential customers? Nope. So why China and not Russia?

That’s because, like the Democrat Party’s vice presidential nominee Tim Walz, Hollywood doesn’t care about the fact that the communist Chinese have murdered five times the number of people Hitler did. Tinseltown is filled with fascist leftists who admire China’s Nazis and its willingness to break those 100 million eggs in order to create a two-tiered society of only starving masses and the elite few who rule over them. You see, that’s what Hollywood and the Democrats want: to wipe out the middle class through equity (and death camps) and then organize society and rule over the unwashed while assuming their treasured position as royalty.

And what hypocrites they are. If someone on the right so much as criticizes a movie’s political content, Hollywood’s George Clooneys and Michael Moores start whining about the return of McCarthyism. But if a mass-murdering Chinese government demands changes, they bend all the way over.

 John Nolte’s first and last novel, Borrowed Time, is winning five-star raves from everyday readers. You can read an excerpt here and an in-depth review here. Also available in hardcover and on Kindle and Audiobook.


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