Hollywood Celebrities Rage at CNN as Biden Struggles During Debate: ‘What is Wrong with These Two Moderators’

US President Joe Biden during the first presidential debate with former US President Donal
Eva Marie Uzcategui/Bloomberg;Michael Buckner/Variety;Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images

Hollywood stars raged at CNN during Thursday’s presidential debate as a hoarse and wheezing President Joe Biden struggled to remain coherent and even froze up on live TV.

Celebrities including Barbra Streisand, John Cusack, Ellen Barkin, and Sophia Bush expressed fury at moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash for not helping Biden enough.

“What is wrong with these two moderators who let Trump change the subject?” Streisand raged.

“I’d wager none of us can fathom why none of the moderators are fact checking Trump’s stream of lies?” Bush posted.

“CNN debate is a trump campaign rally only sponsored by @CNN,” Barkin said.

Barbra Streisand declared “not fair!” over CNN’s handling of the debate.

John Cusack joined the pile-on.

Ellen Barkin ridiculed CNN, calling the debate a Trump rally. She also chastised CNN for posing a question that she said was an “attack” on Biden.

Jon Cryer also slammed Tapper and Bash.

Sophia Bush also lashed out at the moderators.

General Hospital star Nancy Lee Grahn also slammed CNN’s moderators.

Amber Tamblyn signed off on a note of despondency.

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