Comedian Jon Stewart highlighted President Joe Biden’s apparent malfunction at the recent G7 conference, saying it looked like Biden was “staring at what can only be considered ghosts or out-of-frame paratroopers,” thus providing the mainstream narrative that Biden had in fact not wandered off at the G7.

On Monday’s episode of Comedy Central’s The Daily Show, Jon Stewart played the viral clip of Biden randomly wandering off on his own at the G7 summit, only for Italy’s Giorgia Meloni to gently guide him away from out-of-frame paratroopers and back to the press fold.

“And then, when he’s pulled back into frame, somehow giving the impression someone has quantum-leaped into his body,” Stewart said, referring to Biden’s subsequent blank stare.

Stewart then tried to paint Trump  with the same brush — noting that during a recent speech, Trump mistakenly referred to Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX) as “Ronny Johnson.”

The Daily Show didn’t play the viral clip from Biden’s Hollywood fundraiser where former President Barack Obama guided Biden by the hand while exiting the stage.

Democrats and their media allies are scrambling to downplay mounting evidence of Biden’s cognitive decline as his poll numbers continue to languish at record lows less than six months ahead of the election.

Biden spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre even described the viral clips of Biden as “cheap fake” videos, a new left-wing phrase for videos unflattering of Biden.

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