To the surprise of absolutely nobody, The Late Show host Stephen Colbert returned on Monday night from a week’s break to noisily approve Donald Trump’s convictions last week on 34 felony counts in New York City.

Colbert stood and watched his in-studio audience chant of “Lock him up” as he scarcely concealed his undiluted glee at the judicial outcome dispensed in a Manhattan court.

Colbert began his monologue by addressing various details of the conviction, noting Trump won’t be sentenced until July 11 as he repeated the Democrat talking point labelling Trump as a “convicted felon.”

He unveiled a Trump countdown-to-sentencing Advent Calendar which he then opened to reveal a bottle of whisky.

Stephen Colbert further mocked Trump’s claim he was being persecuted, during which the ex-president observed “if it can happen to me it can happen to you.”

“Just think about that. If it could happen to him, it could happen to anyone who commits crimes no matter who they are,” Colbert joked, before his audience launched into their chant of “lock him up” as he watched.

As the “lock him up” chant by his audience subsided, a pleased Colbert was quick to note:

“There you have it. I didn’t say, lock him up. The people said, lock him up.”

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