Actor and comedian Harry Shearer, who voices a number of The Simpsons characters, said that the show has gone woke.

Specifically, Shearer referred to being told — via email — that he would no longer be allowed to voice a black character (Shearer is white).

“Folk[s] say the show has become woke in recent years, and one of my characters has been affected,” Shearer told the Sunday Times. “I voiced the black physician, Dr Hibbert, who[m] I based on Bill Cosby.”

Shearer then laid out how silly that decision was, which also exposes how silly all of this woke fascism is…

“Back then, [Bill Cosby] was known as the ‘whitest black man on television,’” Shearer explained. “Then, a couple of years ago, I received an email saying they’d employed a black actor, who then copied my voice.”

Here’s the best part: “The result is a black man imitating a white man imitating the whitest black man on TV.”

It’s all so stupid.

But this is how rich and prosperous America has become, so rich and prosperous that we have all kinds of time to worry about things that don’t matter. There’s so little racism in America that, in our desire to pretend we’re the equivalent of marching with Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., we’re forced to turn non-racism into racism.

A white man respectfully voicing a black cartoon character is the opposite of racism.


Why must a black man voice a black cartoon character?

Ask yourself that.

How does that make any sense?

The only thing that separates a white person from a black person is skin color. As long as Shearer is not using the voice characterization to demean black people, why would anyone care?

Shearer has much more in common with a black man than he does some of the other characters he voices.

Shearer is an 80-year-old professional artist. Certainly, he has more in common with a middle-aged doctor than he does a teenager or someone from the working class or a politician … or a baby!

The Simpsons’ creators probably did this after being brutalized by the Woke Gestapo over the whole Apu non-troversy. America really has become a stupid country.

It’s all so stupid. It’s all about keeping us divided over things that don’t matter. Likewise, it’s all about a filthy rich country called America creating generations of cry-bullies who have it so good in life and live in such an insanely tolerant and decent country that they have all kinds of time to invent phony issues to protest and cry-bully over.

This is nothing less than left-wing, racial McCarthyism, which is why I’m done with modern-day “entertainment.” This shit is everywhere now. It’s infected everything. The good news is there are nearly a hundred years of movies and 70 years of TV out there that weren’t infected with this soul-killing anti-art attitude. There’s no need to despair when all you have to do is look back.

John Nolte’s first and last novel, Borrowed Time, is winning five-star raves from everyday readers. You can read an excerpt here and an in-depth review here. Also available in hardcover and on Kindle and Audiobook