New York City Mayor Eric Adams’ plan to distribute $53 million to city migrants on pre-paid credit cards was blasted by 50 Cent on Saturday, with the rapper saying the proposal simply inspires him to believe former President Donald Trump is the man to address the country’s manifest problems.
He used an Instagram post to set out his argument.
“WTF mayor Adams call my phone, I don’t understand how this works
The city program will offer asylum seekers at the Roosevelt Hotel with hard cash from taxpayer pockets, intended to help illegal migrants pay for food, according to city records.
50 Cent has already slammed California over a similar decision to use taxpayer money to fund health care for aliens.
Adams argues the scheme will save the city $600,000 a month, or $7.2 million annually as it will allegedly stop wasting money on meals the asylum seekers do not want.
The program will begin with 500 migrant families in short-term hotel stays, the NY Post story reveals.
A family of four could receive nearly $1,000 a month. Cards will get refilled every 28 days.
The New York City program will see those selected will be given cards which can be only used at bodegas, supermarkets and delis, a gift that comes along with other benefits available to illegal migrants in the Democrat-controlled metropolis.
RELATED: Venezuelan Migrant Living Good Life at New York City Taxpayers’ Expense
The Daily Mail reports migrants must sign an affidavit and promise to only use the cards for food and baby supplies, or else have them cut off.
The NY Post story notes 50 Cent, like many rappers, has long nursed an affinity for Trump — and endorsed him in the 2020 presidential election — citing a fear of tax increases.
“I don’t want to be 20cent” under Biden he joked in an X posting during the campaign.