Proving the Disney Grooming Syndicate will never change, the director of the next Star Wars has promised it will be a feminist movie.

Speaking to far-left CNN, director Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy said this of The Jedi Order, her upcoming sequel to The Rise of Skywalker: “I’m very thrilled about the project because I feel what we’re about to create is something very special. And we’re in 2024 now, and it’s about time that we had a woman come forward to shape a story in a galaxy far, far away.”

Oh, yeah, because that’s what Star Wars fans felt was missing from the Disney trilogy — feminism and a woman’s point of view. After all, remember how we all cheered during that laughably contrived moment in The Last Jedi when Oscar Isaac’s Poe violated everything that had established his character beforehand to become a symbol of the oppressive patriarchy.

Rogue One, which is the only decent Disney Star Wars movie, is led by a woman, and the only reason the movie works is because that message is not pounded into our skulls.

If this movie happens, Obaid-Chinoy will become the first woman to direct a Star Wars feature (unless you count, as many do, Rian Johnson). And there is little doubt this is another affirmative-action hire on the part of Lucasfilm chief Kathleen Kennedy. Obadia-Chinoy has never directed a feature film with actors. Her credits involve animation, documentaries, and a few episodes of Ms. Marvel, a Disney+ show no one liked, and then spun off a humiliating flop called The Marvels.

Bottom line…

This is just how much these people hate normal people. Disney is about to spend $500 million — a half-billion with a “B” — just to troll us.

No one is asking for a feminist Star Wars movie. Feminists aren’t even asking for a feminist Star Wars movie. We have already had four Star Wars movies led by a female — and three of them sucked. What the fans are asking for is a return to fun, adventure, escapism — escape from the real world.

But Disney CEO Bob Iger and Kathleen “Failing Upwards Thanks To My Vag” Kennedy hate us too much even to consider making us happy.

And name a female-driven genre Hollywood ever claims is not male enough. Costume dramas, romcoms, musicals, melodramas… Does anyone in Hollywood ever say those movies need to be butched up to include us fellas? Where’s the car chase in Steel Magnolias? Where’s the bar fight in Norma Rae? It will never happen because everyone knows it would alienate the core audience and ruin the genre. Ahh, but that’s the whole point. Don’t you get it? It’s all about alienating normal people, destroying everything that matters to us (from football to the military), turning us towards despair, and turning the weak among us into some version of this.

Disney is over.

Hollywood is over.

They hate you and are now so insulated from financial consequences in their multinational corporatism that nothing will ever change. It will only get worse.

All you can do now is look to the past. For a century, geniuses all over the world have made thousands of great films you have yet to see. Get the hard copies. Hold on to them. And no, you are not losing yourself in the past. Art is timeless because the human condition is timeless. Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927) is as meaningful today as it was 97 years ago. What holds no meaning are anti-human-nature Star Wars movies produced by a corporation that wants to sexualize little kids, stealing their innocence.

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