‘Borat 2’ Screenwriter Calls Out Radical Islam: ‘Moronic Racist Culture Is the Entire Cause of the Conflict’ in Israel


Oscar-nominated screenwriter Lee Kern has called radical Islam a “moronic racist culture,” saying Islamism is squarely to blame for the unfolding war between Israel and Hamas.

In an impassioned social media post, Lee Kern, who co-wrote the 2020 Borat sequel, said anyone who tries to draw a moral equivalence between Israel and radical Islam can “fuck off.”

“This moronic racist culture is the entire cause of the conflict and you all know it,” he wrote on X. He also posted a video of what appears to be a madrassah with young students chanting “Death to Israel.”

“You all know Israel is surrounded by a bunch of religious nutters. And you are mistaken if you think keeping quiet and sacrificing Israel will keep you safe. Israel is on the front line keeping you safe.”

Kern predicted “a flood of jihadism seeking to destroy you,” unless Israel receives the support it needs in its fight against the Hamas terrorist organization.

In another post on Sunday, he wrote that “Palestinian society conditions their children to become violent racist sociopaths.”

His post contained a video from the Israel Foreign Ministry showing Palestinian child soldiers training as part of an “operational exercise.”

“That’s how they created monsters who cut the heads off babies whilst yelling Allahu Akbar on October 7th,” he wrote.

Kern has served as a longtime writer for actor Sacha Baron Cohen, who has also called out the left’s surging antisemitism.

Cohen recently called out TikTtok leaders for allowing antisemitism to fester on the Chinese-controlled platform.

“What is happening at TikTok is it is creating the biggest antisemitic movement since the Nazis,” said Cohen.

“Shame on you,” he told TikTok’s head of operations Adam Presser.

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