Actress Rosanna Arquette Says Supreme Court Overturning Roe v Wade Is ‘The Death of America’

Rosanna Arquette in "Roadies."

Left-wing actress Rosanna Arquette said the U.S. Supreme Court striking down Roe v Wade: on Friday is “the Death of America,” and claimed that the Court rules on “guns being allowed like the Wild West” a day before it “obliterated women’s rights.”

“The death of America,” Rosanna Arquette tweeted on Friday.

“It’s not a coincidence the supreme courts ruling on Guns being allowed like the Wild West came the day before they have obliterated womens rights to our own bodies . Evil,” the actress added in a follow-up tweet.

The Pulp Fiction star was reacting to the Supreme Court overruling Roe v. Wade on Friday, holding in the Dobbs case that the Constitution does not include a right to abortion and returning the issue of abortion laws and regulations to state legislatures.

Arquette was also commenting on the Court issuing a rare decision involving constitutional gun rights on Thursday, in which it ruled that Americans have the right to carry arms outside of the home and in public — in a major victory for advocates of the Second Amendment.

The Hollywood elite and other left-wing activists are having a major meltdown in the wake of the Supreme Court’s life-saving ruling.

Similarly, comedian Billy Eichner attacked Christians in an all-caps Twitter tirade on Friday, declaring, “GET YOUR FICTIONAL HATEFUL BIBLE STORIES AND YOUR FAKE FICTIONAL RELIGIOUS BULLSHIT OUT OF OUR FUCKING LIVES. FUCK YOU.”

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