LGBTQ Cancel Mob Comes for Ricky Gervais over Transgender Jokes: Netflix’s ‘Most Transphobic Show Yet’

In this handout photo provided by NBCUniversal Media, LLC, host Ricky Gervais speaks onsta
Paul Drinkwater/NBCUniversal Media, LLC via Getty Images

The LGBTQ cancel mob has taken out its pitchforks for Ricky Gervais, condemning his latest Netflix comedy special as “dangerous” and the streamer’s “most transphobic show yet.”

Some are even encouraging viewers to cancel their Netflix subscriptions, using the hashtag #cancelnetflix.

Ricky Gervais’ SuperNature debuted Tuesday on the streamer and almost immediately drew attention for its jokes about transgender authoritarianism.  In the special, the British comedian mocks the woke left’s insistence that male-to-female transgenders who still have their penises be called women.

“Like, the worst thing you can say today, get you cancelled on Twitter, death threats, the worst thing you can say today is, ‘Women don’t have penises,’ right?” he said.

Leading the cancel mob against Gervais is GLAAD, which threatened the comedian and Netflix in a statement issued Tuesday.

“We watched the Ricky Gervais ‘comedy’ special on Netflix so you don’t have to. It’s full of graphic, dangerous, anti-trans rants masquerading as jokes,” the organization said. “The LGBTQ community and our allies have made it very clear that so-called comedians who spew hate in place of humor, and the media companies who give them a platform, will be held accountable.”

The gay-themed PinkNews called the show “anti-trans garbage fire,” while Britain’s The Independent said the show deals in “humiliating trans people.

Some angry protestors urged viewers to cancel their Netflix subscriptions. “Netflix releases its most transphobic show yet where Ricky Gervais jokes about trans women raping women in restrooms,” wrote one activist.

Others claimed Gervais dehumanizes transgender people.

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