CBS’ Stephen Colbert Launches Vulgar Ten Minute Rant Against SCOTUS Justices over Roe v. Wade


An angry Stephen Colbert launched a ten-minute rant against the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday’s episode of CBS’ The Late Show, targeting several Supreme Court justices over a leaked draft opinion showing the high court is prepared to overturn Roe v. Wade.

“Well, shit,” Colbert began his monologue, with the profanity bleeped out. “You know what we’re going to be talking about tonight, so strap in.”

Watch below:

Colbert said he would have preferred to talk about the recent Met Gala, whose theme this year was the Gilded Age, but instead, “I’ve got to talk about another group of out of touch people in crazy outfits pretending that it’s 1895 — the Supreme Court.”

“So congratulations, ladies,” Colbert later added. “Decisions about what you can do with your body are now being made by four old dudes and a woman who thinks The Handmaid’s Tale is a rom-com.”

Colbert accused Justices Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, Clarence Thomas, and Amy Coney Barrett — all of whom appear to of lying during their Senate confirmation hearings when they were asked about Roe v. Wade. He also attacked Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) for supporting Kavanaugh’s nomination.

Stephen Colbert has a history of using his CBS platform to attack judges who buck left-wing establishment power. The comedian recently attacked federal Florida Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle who ended the CDC’s mask mandate, calling her a “dummy” and insulting millions of Floridians by saying their diets consist of “gator jerky and meth.”

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