Cher: Parental Rights Laws in Florida, Other States will Lead to ‘Gov Sanctioned Violence’

Damairs Carter/MediaPunch/IPX

Left-wing Hollywood star and gay icon Cher has made the outlandish claim that Florida’s Parental Rights in Education law — along with similar bills being considered in other states — will inevitably lead to government sanctioned violence against gay and transgender people.

Cher tweeted her despair that more than 12 states are proposing laws like Florida’s that would forbid the teaching of sexuality and gender ideology to the youngest elementary school children. She said the legislation has pushed gay and transgender families into the “dark ages” and will cause untold amounts of “suffering.”

It remains unclear why Cher believes the legislation would lead to government-approved violence. The Florida law makes no reference to “gay” or homosexuality, and only applies to classroom settings for kindergarten through third grade.

Her words appear to be part of an escalation of the left’s rhetorical war against the law. During his recent appearance on ABC’s The View, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg echoed his husband Chasten’s belief that the law “will kill kids.”

Cher is the latest Hollywood celebrity to inveigh against the legislation even as the majority of Americans on both sides of the political divide support it.

A recent poll publicized by The Wall Street Journal‘s editorial board showed Democratic voters backing the law 55 percent to 29 percent. The law is popular among Biden voters, who support it 53 percent to 30 percent, and crucial suburban voters, who back it 60 percent to 30 percent.

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