Brother Claims Jussie Smollett Placed in Psych Ward: ‘He Is in No Way, Shape, or Form at Risk of Self-Harm’

Actor Jussie Smollett speaks to Judge James Linn after his sentence is read at the Leighto
Brian Cassella/Chicago Tribune via AP, Pool

Hate crime hoaxer and disgraced actor Jussie Smollett has been placed in a psych ward at the Cook County jail, according to his brother.

“Jussie is currently in a psych ward at the Cook County Jail,” Jocqui Smollett said in a video posted to the Empire actor’s Instagram. “What’s very concerning is that there was a note attached to his paperwork today and put on the front of his jail cell saying that he’s at risk of self-harm.”

“I want to just make it clear to folks that he is in no way, shape, or form at risk of self-harm,” he added. “And he wants to let folks know that he is very stable, he is very strong, he is very healthy, and ready to take on the challenge that ultimately has been put up against him.”

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A law enforcement source told TMZ that Smollett was moved to the psych ward because it is the area of the jail where high-profile inmates are housed.

Judge James Linn sentenced Smollett on Thursday to 150 days in jail, 30 months of probation, restitution of $120,106, and a fine of $25,000.

The actor repeatedly shouted, “I am not suicidal, and I am innocent” as he was being hauled off to jail on Thursday.

In January 2019, Smollett had claimed he was physically attacked by two men wearing red hats who put a rope around his neck, poured bleach on him, and shouted racial and homophobic slurs at him, before eventually yelling, “This is MAGA country!” in reference to former President Donald Trump’s campaign slogan.

“You’re just a charlatan, pretending to be a victim of a hate crime,” Judge Linn told Smollett during Thursday’s sentencing, adding that the actor’s name “has become an adverb for ‘lying,'” and that “there is nothing that I will do here today that can come close to the damage you’ve already done to your own life.”

You can follow Alana Mastrangelo on Facebook and Twitter at @ARmastrangelo, and on Instagram.


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