‘F**k Lou Holtz’: Jim Gaffigan Attacks Iconic Former Notre Dame Coach for Calling Biden a ‘Catholic In Name Only’

Phillip Faraone/Getty Images/AP Photo/Chris O'Meara
Phillip Faraone/Getty Images/AP Photo/Chris O'Meara

Leftist comedian Jim Gaffigan took aim at former Notre Dame football coach Lou Holtz for calling Joe Biden a bad Catholic over his support of abortion on demand.

Holtz, a Republican, supplied a video address to the GOP National Convention in 2020 in which he said that many Democrats — including Joe Biden and Kamala Harris — are “Catholics in name only” because of their radical support for abortion.

Watch below: 

In a recent appearance on a podcast hosted by disgraced former Democrat Senator Al Franken, Gaffigan blasted Holtz as a “liar.”

“During the convention I was seeing all these lies working,” Gaffigan told Franken. “The people where I’m from in a small town in the Midwest, I’m from the rustbelt, that were kind of like ethnically Catholic that were seeing a Nun or Lu Holtz saying, ‘Biden was a bad Catholic.’ I knew it was a lie. I knew people who had common sense knew it was a lie. I wanted to go on record that this is obviously bullshit.”

Gaffigan added that he was disappointed to hear coach Holtz call out Biden and Harris.

“I grew up going to Notre Dame games,” Gaffigan lamented. “Lou Holtz is a childhood hero of mine. But the fact he would be this pawn, you know what, fuck Lou Holtz.”

Watch below: 

Gaffigan, though, did not bother to actually address the reason Holtz called Biden a bad Catholic.

The Hollywood elitist went wild after last year’s GOP convention and at one point claimed that the country would be “over” if Donald Trump were to be re-elected. Gaffigan went on an extended Twitter rant in August of that year blasting Trump and his voters. In one of his rambling posts he called Trump a “criminal” and a “rapist,” and in another claimed that the “economy will never come back” if Trump were to win a second term.

One has to wonder if Gaffigan really thinks Biden’s disastrous economy is the “come back” the comedian expected?

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