Fortnite Cancels Travis Scott After Astroworld Tragedy

eresa Kroeger; Neilson Barnard/Getty Images
eresa Kroeger; Neilson Barnard/Getty Images

The online game Fortnite has canceled the Travis Scott emote from its item shop following his performance at Astroworld Music Festival on Friday in Houston, Texas, where at least eight people were killed.

An emote that includes an audio snippet of Scott’s track “Out West” was deleted from Fortnite’s shop. An emote is a dance move or action that characters can perform during an online game.

The game has also temporarily disabled the shop’s “Daily” section.

“It’s known that the ‘Daily’ section of the Item Shop has been disabled. This is intentional and the ‘Daily’ section will return with the next Item Shop refresh,” Fortnite Status explained in a tweet on Sunday, two days after the Astroworld tragedy.

In April 2020, Scott hosted a virtual Fortnite concert where he was digitally created into an avatar in the game, in which more than 12 million players tuned in.

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But after Friday’s fatal festival performance — for which Scott is being accused of inciting a riot and violence — outrage is at a tipping point.

A petition to stop Scott from performing at next year’s Coachella Festival has attracted thousands of supporters. Music lover Sendero Secretos, who started the petition, claims “tragic and unnecessary deaths” at Astroworld occurred “due to Scott’s own gross negligence and sheer lack of compassion for human life.”

Moreover, concertgoers who say they were injured during Scott’s performance at Astroworld on Friday have filed lawsuits against the rapper — and others. At least three lawsuits have been filed so far, two of which are seeking $1 million in damages.

Additionally, Scott’s live performances are known for being chaotic events, with concertgoers encouraged to take part in an unruly nature involving mosh pits, crowd surfing, and stage diving.

In 2017, Scott was charged for encouraging fans to rush a stage. A recently resurfaced video from 2015 reveals another incident at a concert in Switzerland, in which the rapper spitting on a fan and repeatedly calling on the crowd to “fuck him up.”

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In a tweet posted Saturday, Scott said he was “absolutely devastated by what took place” at Astroworld.

You can follow Alana Mastrangelo on Facebook and Twitter at @ARmastrangelo, and on Instagram.


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